Monday 7 April 2014


The team are well underway at clocking up the KM and support is growing for our challenge! We are inspiring lots of people to start running and be involved as well as raising money! With the efforts from the team yesterday we have SMASHED the £3000 mark!!! Well done let's keep the momentum up and the training, we have some big events ahead next month including the EDINBURGH MARATHON, Manchester 10K, Electric 5K and LONDON 2 BRIGHTON 100K! Eeeek!!!

Friends and relatives of team members participating in these events please show your support at .

We will be having collection buckets at STOCKPORT COUNTY's match on GOOD FRIDAY. If anyone wants to help us collect and be involved please contact Sam via contact email on the website (link above).

Articles have gone out the the local press in Greater Manchester about our challenge to help gather momentum, support and donations to our deserving charities.

Dad used to play for a local football club Old Stoconians, they have pledged their support by donating £50 to start and will help raise more when the season starts again in August/September. Some of their players may even be contributing KM to our challenge. please visit to see information about our challenge on their webpage and if you want any information about this brilliant club for friends, relatives thinking of joining!

The Stockport Amateur Operatic Society have also donated £100 very generously in memory of dad's involvement in the society and his invovlement in the Plaza providing the society with a theatre in which to perform.

I can't thank everyone enough to date, team members and supporters and hope that it can continue throughout the year and help us raise as much money as possible!


A team of Sam's work colleagues joined Sam & Andy in team Madness 4 Mike to complete a gruelling off-road 10K. I was so proud of all of us completing such a difficult gradient filled route whilst inhaling saharan dust & pollution! None of the team had managed to fit in much training so we did ourselves proud, and another 71.6 KM towards our total. (Read on to explain the unusual figure!)

The Cambridge team joining Andy & Sam were: Sarah Bruce, Simon Moore, Esther Moore, Gill Neave, Sue Burrell & Rachael Jones. All have contributed to Madness 4 Mike and will be doing more in the year - we are so grateful for their help.

What's more, at a family occasion following the run, Rachael's family took a bowl around the gathering for donations to the cause to support Rachael & our charities. I was overwhelmed by this gesture and they raised a huge £65! We can't thank them enough.

Above, before the start combination of nerves and excitement!

One of Sam's work colleagues, Rachel was also there supporting her husband and daughter, who also took part and joined the team on the day! Her eldest daughter Esther made the team hugely proud by completing a 1 mile Fun Run. She ran all the way and here she is at the end - making it look easy!
 Simon also made everyone proud completing the run despite being badly injured (during a 10K One True Grit Obstacle Race also counting towards M4M) he wasn't sure whether he would even complete the course! But he did, and here he is sprinting to the end!

Here we all are at the end WE DID IT!!!


2 members of Team Madness 4 Mike completed this huge distance yesterday as a relay - a half marathon each. Vicki Coleman and her dad Roger completed the route in 3hrs 20mins an incredible time for each of them completing their half! Vicki will continue on to compete in the Edinburgh Marathon next month.

Here are their before and after photos!

Vicki is proving to be a naturally talented runner completing runs in remarkably quick times and not appearing to even be stretched! She only returned from China last year having lived there for over 4 years, and having not done any running for this length of time. So her achievements are seriously impressive. It must RUN in the family (;-p) with her dad, and her younger sister also into their running. 

Happy Mother's Day! In memory of her mum, Sophie ran the Cheshire 10K for team Madness 4 Mike. I have no doubt her mum will have been with her during every step. She completed the run in an amazing 53:11 !!!

Although mother's day, this weekend also marked the anniversary of 2 years since my dad died on 28th March. So it was a weekend of reflection and appreciating family time all round. I think he would be overwhelmed at all the support for our challenge and everything everyone is doing to be a part of it. 

Val Morgan was our leading runner in this team of 6 during what was a challenging run with dramatic weather changes. Shortly after the run started in bright sunshine, the heavens opened in the heaviest hail storm I have ever seen! Despite this the runners (also including Martin, Alex, Tricky, Rach & Pete) all finished and made themselves, and team Madness 4 Mike very proud. Sadly Andrew, Mike's nephew had to pull out due to a back injury but is hoping to be fit again for the Manchester 10K and GNR later in the year. His friends (listed above) contributed to the team efforts.

Moreover Val came 3rd in her age category in a phenomenal time of 1:52:30 much quicker than I will be doing a half marathon Val!