Monday 7 April 2014


A team of Sam's work colleagues joined Sam & Andy in team Madness 4 Mike to complete a gruelling off-road 10K. I was so proud of all of us completing such a difficult gradient filled route whilst inhaling saharan dust & pollution! None of the team had managed to fit in much training so we did ourselves proud, and another 71.6 KM towards our total. (Read on to explain the unusual figure!)

The Cambridge team joining Andy & Sam were: Sarah Bruce, Simon Moore, Esther Moore, Gill Neave, Sue Burrell & Rachael Jones. All have contributed to Madness 4 Mike and will be doing more in the year - we are so grateful for their help.

What's more, at a family occasion following the run, Rachael's family took a bowl around the gathering for donations to the cause to support Rachael & our charities. I was overwhelmed by this gesture and they raised a huge £65! We can't thank them enough.

Above, before the start combination of nerves and excitement!

One of Sam's work colleagues, Rachel was also there supporting her husband and daughter, who also took part and joined the team on the day! Her eldest daughter Esther made the team hugely proud by completing a 1 mile Fun Run. She ran all the way and here she is at the end - making it look easy!
 Simon also made everyone proud completing the run despite being badly injured (during a 10K One True Grit Obstacle Race also counting towards M4M) he wasn't sure whether he would even complete the course! But he did, and here he is sprinting to the end!

Here we all are at the end WE DID IT!!!

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