Monday 24 November 2014


Despite it's rather daunting name, it didn't put off Andy's cousin Tessa Lamb and her son signing up to run their first 5K event as part of team Madness 4 Mike! I should add at this point that Tessa's son Christopher is just 7 years old - running 5K at any age is a challenge to a non runner but at just 7 years old this is probably two or three times the distance of those dreaded school cross country routes!

Christopher is in year 3 at Halterworth Primary School in Romsey. I'm sure the school, hopefully after reading this blog, will no doubt be impressed by his achievement on 18th October. He ran so fast that he barely got covered in any paint completing the course in an incredible 33mins! There were comments on the course from other adults stating disbelief at being overtaken by a child! His mum, Tessa, struggling to keep up also made this impressive time for their first ever 5K, had to ask the last paint station to target Christopher with his pristine white shirt - 6 of them tried and he still ran out the other side almost unscathed!

Whilst others celebrated and recovered from their achievement, Tessa had barely made it back to the car before Christopher was asking to do it again!

I think we have an athlete in the making!

A huge congratulations and thank you to both Tessa & Christopher from team Madness 4 Mike, we are super proud of you!

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