Sunday 29 June 2014

LONDON MARATHON (delayed post) April 13th

Helen Dennis, a vet, and one of Sam's work colleagues took to the streets of London to make us all proud in the famous London marathon! The distance is an immense challenge and Helen's tips will be passed on to Sam & Andy for the NY marathon later in the year. It was Helen's first marathon and she was truly inspirational to anyone, of any age, who has never completed a marathon before.

 Below is her account of the day.

"I trained hard but not just running - I wanted to use the training to get
all round fit and was also aware that I had to be in the right mental place
so as well as running I did Yoga, pilates, spinning, Alexander technique and
ate well.  Then the week before I had a sports massage to relax my neck and
shoulders and acupuncture to give me both physical and spiritual energy
It must have worked because I was ab fine on the day and afterwards - no
stiffness, pain, blisters etc etc.  
As a result I enjoyed almost every metre, not quite all of them, but most!
Since then have felt a great sense of achievement and self esteem"

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