Wednesday 14 May 2014

Saturday 10th May: The ELECTRIC RUN

This was a debut event for Mum & her family who all took to the streets of Manchester at 9pm to take part in this amazing and unique 5K event! Fancy dress with as many flashing accessories as possible was compulsory and the team did not disappoint! The team consisted of Sam, Carol, Christine, John, Joanne, Paul, Esther, Tariq, Deanna, Kay & Elisha. Claire & Megan were friends of the family who joined the team to complete the challenge! It was a great night aside from the awful rain showers whilst waiting to start and during the race, it didn't dampen the spirits but it's safe to say everyone was totally drenched by the end! Well done to all who entered, especially to 6 year old Deanna who walked the event well past her bedtime! 13 year old Elisha who ran the 5K having intended to walk it initially and this being her first ever event at such a long distance completed it in around 35 minutes-an amazing time, Kay who was a last minute stand in due to injury, and Jonathon for the support on the sidelines! Thanks also go to Megan for travelling from Cambridge to be part of the event.

However a special mention has to go to my mum, Carol who walked the event and who has never done anything like this before. This required some training which she completed, and overcame several associated anxieties to enter & finish the event. She completed the event with ease, Dad would have been so very proud - he actually wouldn't have ever believed she would do something like this and it is a great start - her next event is the Manchester midnight walk which is double the distance!

Well done everyone!

 Carol & Christine Twin Sisters
 The Atkinsons & Claire & Megan
 John looking ace!
 Me loving the wig!
Megan & I

 Paul, Claire, Elisha, Megan, Sam (The runners)

 Team Madness 4 Mike! 
 Deanna, Kay & Joanne
 Deanna & John
Getting soaked at the start!
The End!

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