Monday 13 October 2014


On this date a few of Sam's work colleagues braved the streets of Ramsay (a branch of Cromwell Vet Group where Sam works frequently) to add more KM to the total! The team were the Cromwell Regulars who have supported the challenge most of all this year - Amanda Jakins & husband Chris Jakins, Sue Burrell, Gill Neave & Sarah Bruce - recently turned Mrs Sarah Gipson.

Well done to all of them - especially to Amanda Jakins, as this was her first ever 10K event having only recently started running! She had also agreed to join the Great North Run team BEFORE this event - this lady has sheer guts and grit and the whole team is extremely proud of her. Her description of the experience follows.

Ramsey 10km (from a newbies perspective!) 29th June 2014

So, Ramsey 10k was my first. In fact my first ever official race of any distance since school. Just 3 months after I took up running, there really is nothing like throwing yourself in at the deep end!
Having never run that far before, even in training, I knew I had a challenge ahead of me! Luckily I had 2 seasoned runners to accompany me, set my pace and keep me going.
It was raining from the outset, so keeping cool wasn't a problem. Wet feet left me with a pretty impressive blister, but I was otherwise unscathed! At least being in the middle of The Fens there weren't many (or any) hills to contend with!

Sue and Chris ran excellent times with 'the pack' and we didn't see them for dust, but I was still proud that I ran the whole thing with Sarah and Gill's support.

Next stop? The Great North Run.....what's another 11k between friends! Amanda xx

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