Monday 13 October 2014


There were 2 events on this challenge, one a walk across the bay - the distance varies according to the tides and route taken but on average is approximately 7 miles. The other event was the half marathon. Sam & Andy intended to run the half marathon however after many weeks of events, and injuries from these they sensibly elected to switch to the walk instead. It was a unique event like no other and certainly an incredible experience crossing the estuary at Morecambe Bay in bright sunshine - the coast was miles away in one direction, the horizon seemingly a similar distance in the other gave almost a feeling of walking in the desert!


A feeling of excitement began, we had family and close friends joining us who in turn brought their friends along to join the challenge and it was amazing to walk with such a wonderful group of people. The team consisted of Pamela Mundy, Paul Denby, Julie Denby, Rebekah Denby, Sheila Mullen, Ken Mullen, Andy Kent & Sam. Not forgetting Bracken Kent - our 4 legged mascot! Malcolm Mundy, Mike's brother was unable to take part for medical reasons but supported us on the day and was our professional photographer!


The initial part of the walk took us out away from the coast, after approximately 40 minutes we met with our first and very terrifying challenge.  The estuary comprises in parts of sinking sands which is why nobody crosses these dangerous sands without a guide. Our guide along with support vehicle were leading the way having encountered no problems when they passed this route... we were to suddenly find one ourselves with a small group of people, Ken our team member included suddenly disappearing to knee level and the more effort used to get out the worse the situation became. Horrified Paul went to help and also got into difficulties, Andy then followed and managed to extract Paul and then the 2 of them slid Ken forward out of danger. The rest of us could only watch horrified but relieved everyone was pulled to safety. We then had to continue the rest of the walk dealing with an element of shock and relief, and an acute awareness of the risks during the remainder of the walk. We had not expected to experience such a challenging situation so early on.

The next challenge was to wade across a waist high river with a rather rapid current. We took off boots, rolled up trousers which proved to be pointless as we were soaked up to our chests! This proved to be the biggest challenge for Sam & Andy's crossbreed, who has always loved paddling but never before has swum. Surely all dogs swim? It started ok for Bracken who started paddling before even needing to. However when the time came she did need to she froze! Lifted her legs and started floating off with the current! Thankfully she was attached to her lead and Andy has to pretty much carry her most of the way across. She was seriously unimpressed with what had started out as a fun walk on the beach!

The rest of the walk was uneventful but physically demanding on the wet feet! We all finished together proud of ourselves and in time to cheer in the half marathon runners.


Val & Dave Morgan completed this year half marathon with Val's sister and brother-in-law and a friend. The 5 of them completed this challenging half marathon across tides, currents and dangerous sands in an incredible time and we were very proud of their achievements!

Well done and thank you to all!

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