Monday 13 October 2014


The Great North Run 2014 was set to be a fantastic event. It was due to have it's millionth finisher and the event organisers had pulled out all the stops ensuring it was a great event! The team consisted of Sam & Andy, Helen Gemmell, Steven Crowe, Sophie Anderson & Vicky Anderson (who's mum was also cared for by St Ann's Hospice), Andrew Mundy, Mark Elder, Helen Locke, David Baker, Amanda Jakins and Chris Jakins. It was the first ever half marathon distance event for Andy Kent, Helen Locke, Amanda & Chris Jakins and the whole team finished and did us proud.

The atmosphere was incredible, the crowds were present all the way along supporting the runners with bands at nearly every roundabout and entertainment along the way. The runners also at the start added to this by shouting "Oggie Oggie Oggie" to a chorus of "Oy Oy Oy!" as we ran under the first 2 bridges at the start of the course. It made the run officially the first enjoyable one of the year! It turned out to be a sunny and hotter day than was ideal for running this distance but we all coped and made our way to the finish line.

Amanda especially did herself proud, 6 months earlier she struggled to run even around the block, and only 2 months earlier completed her first ever 10K event! Chris & Amanda travelled the furthest for this event too all the way from Cambridge and the team were hugely proud of them, and glad they were a part of it. The other first timers also did themselves proud finishing in times they were happy with and in one piece!

Help the Hospices had a tent in the charity village and were fab at looking after their runners at the end. Pam & Malcolm Mundy (Mike's brother) were there in support of the event cheering us on and enjoying the atmosphere. Malcolm for medical reasons was upset he couldn't take part this year, but he is well experienced with the course and gave sound advice, having completed the Great North run every year for the last 15 years! An achievement that Mike was very proud of and would declare in any conversation when running was mentioned!

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