Monday 13 October 2014


Another late addition to the blog but that is also very much deserving of a mention. Maxine Sandels completed her first marathon on the above date. She had entered a marathon in 2013 but in the end had to retire due to a stress fracture shortly before the event. The beautiful but hilly route traversed the south of the country finishing in Tenby where Maxine's family and boyfriend Alex were waiting and supporting her over the finish line.

She finished this massive distance in an amazing time of 4 hrs 20mins and her version of events will be below shortly...

And I pretty certain she looked this glamorous all the way around!

Maxine's account of running a MARATHON!

"I have achieved the pinnacle of my running career after completing the hardest but most fulfilling run I will probably run in my life after completing the Tenby marathon on Sunday 23rd July. Running a scenic marathon by the coast, the weather held out however the number of hills were a challenge. The hills just kept on coming and the most challenging one was a 17% gradient hill at 23miles (grown men have seen to be crying up this one)!! Overall I am overwhelmed to have completed this marathon and it to contribute to such a fantastic cause. Keep running team!!"

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